Deck the Walls - New Wallpaper Trends for 2025:

Wallpaper is trending for 2025 in the interior design industry and it’s making a statement! This year’s wallpaper is bold, texturized, and full of intricate details! The walls of your rooms will become works of art, instead of boring painted backdrops. Let’s dive a little deeper into what is in store for your walls in 2025! 

Natural World Take Over

This year will be filled nature. Birds, animals, botanicals, and even insects will make their appearance on our walls. Animal motifs and lush jungle prints will be especially present this year, providing a playful whim to your rooms. It will be bright and vibrant - creating quite the statement! 

Intricate Patterns 

Patterns will dominate walls this year and the more intricate, the better! Micro-printed patterns will be popular. From afar these patterns look like regular designs until you get closer and see the more detailed work that has been incorporated into the design. These patterns are whimsical and offer depth to create a more interesting space in your home or office space. 

Landscape Murals 

Murals will be center stage this year and the bigger the better. Once only done by hand by artists in a room, murals are now able to be created through digital print. This doesn’t mean that it will be a repeat pattern though. These murals can span an entire room without repeating the design. They can also be customized for a room. Look for mural wallpaper to shine in entryways and entertaining spaces.  

3D Designs and Texture

Wallpaper is no longer just a flat option for your wall; today’s wallpaper is a work of 3D art. This year, the wallpaper options literally pop out in the room. One popular trend is simulated Parisian plaster. This gives the look of a 19th century Parisian home without redoing your walls. The wallpaper allows the same look without the labor of redoing your walls. Other textures that will dominate the industry this year include grasscloth, brush strokes, and silks. 

Let the Professionals Help

If you’re ready to make changes to your walls this year by incorporating these new bold wallpaper options, reach out to the professional interior design team at Heritage Design Interiors! They can help you find the right 2025 design trends for your home and office! 


New Year - New Look